by Rabbi | Mar 21, 2021 | Rabbi's Blog
Triennial – Leviticus 3:1-5 to 4:24-26 Etz Hayim p. 592 Haftarah Y’sha’yahu 43:21-44:23 Etz Hayim p. 607 === Our reading deals with the burnt offering, the cereal offering, the well-being offering, the purification...
by Rabbi | Mar 21, 2021 | Rabbi's Blog
Vayikra centers on sacrifices. The Hebrew word for sacrifice is קורבן KORBAN, and the root is the same root of קרוב KAROV, to be close. Besides sacrifices, there were gifts that people would give to the Temple. This is a story about such a gift. What we know...
by Rabbi | Mar 6, 2021 | Rabbi's Blog
Our triennial picks up at the moment of the Golden Calf Incident. ~ Who exactly is involved in the collection of the gold? How long does the process of making the calf itself take? What other things are built? ~ What is Aaron’s role? Can you defend what he does? What...
by Rabbi | Feb 27, 2021 | Rabbi's Blog
Tetzaveh focuses on the clothes worn by the Kohen Gadol, the high priest. This is a great story – what is the connection to the Torah portion? What values is the story trying to teach? ==== In Turkey, there once was a man who sold coals. His name was Marko. He...
by Rabbi | Feb 27, 2021 | Rabbi's Blog
Exodus 28:31-35 to 29:18 Etz Chayim 508 Haftarah Y’hezkel 43:10-27 520 Tetzaveh continues the instructions given regarding the Tabernacle, with a special focus on the clothes worn by the High Priest. Both the structure of...
by Rabbi | Feb 20, 2021 | Rabbi's Blog
Shabbat Zachor ~ maftir: Deuteronomy (Ki Tetzei) Maftir 25:17-19 Haftarah I Sh’muel 15:2-34 ===== Today is a special Shabbat, which is Shabbat Zachor. Shabbat Zachor is when we read two specific readings connected to Purim. They are the maftir and the haftarah. I want...