Leadership | Adath Israel


Young Leadership moves Adath Israel Forward!


Rabbi: Nelly Altenburger
Office Administrator: Joanna Schnurman

Adath Israel is my Jewish family. Its members are my aunts and uncles, my cousins, my nieces and nephews sharing joys and struggles, support and perspective. I don’t know what I’d do without them.

Religious School Director: Anna Elfenbaum

Congregation Leadership

Adam Finkelstein, President

Like so many families within our congregation, mine has deep roots in Adath Israel. My grandfather was a past president, my father served on the board, my siblings and I all had our Bar/Bat Mitzvah here, and now my kids go to Hebrew School here. In that time, I have watched our community grow and evolve in ways that made me proud and ultimately inspired me to become more involved. We are a community with rich history, but always open doors, so new individuals and families can see what has kept so many of us here for generations.

Rebecca Doweyko, Vice President

Sandra Beckman, Secretary

Adath Israel is my second home and a spiritual refuge. I’m a fourth-generation member and have experienced every type of life cycle event at the synagogue, including USY, marriage, baby naming, children’s weddings, b’nei mitzvah celebrations for grandchildren and parents funerals. I was the first female congregation president and have remained active in committees throughout my adult life

Robert Goldstein, Co-Treasurer

I joined Adath Israel in 2006 as we were looking for a synagogue with a strong Hebrew School program for my 3 children to continue their Jewish education and my remaining 2 children to have their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. Since that time, both my wife and I have become engrained in the Adath Israel community. My children still attend services with us when they are home from college and we all consider Adath Israel our second home. We all enjoy services and the friendly conversations during Shabbat kiddish.

Jonathan Shapiro, Co-Treasurer

My family has been part of the synagogue since it was founded. My great grandparents, grandparents, great aunts and uncles, aunts, uncles and cousins have all called Adath Israel home. It is the only synagogue I have called my own, and am honored to continue our family legacy. It taught me much of what I know about Judaism and am proud to have my kids learn where I did and as I did.

Carly Hoss, Immediate Past President

Adath Israel is important to me because of its rich history, and my own lifecycle events that have taken place within the building. I love my community because of its multi-generational audience, diverse programming, and vibrant Hebrew School. Whether serving on the Board, teaching in the Hebrew School, attending a program or service, or volunteering, I feel like I am part of a supportive family that has a strong and vibrant Jewish heritage.

Board of Directors

Leah Adler

Ruth Borsuk

Ethan Warner Crane

Barbara Fenig


Myra Finkelstein

As a third-generation congregant, I appreciate the congeniality of the membership; the various social and religious opportunities the synagogue provides; and the values it instills. It is a place where diversity is encouraged and accepted.

Michelle Grossman

I am a new member of Adath Israel. My husband and I joined when our synagogue, Temple B’nai Abraham merged with Adath Israel in July 2019. As part of the merger committee I got to know many congregants and always felt welcomed. Since the merger Adath Israel has become our new religion “home” and we couldn’t be happier. Many items of importance to us such as our beautiful bimah and Memorial boards have moved to Adath Israel. The people have welcomed all of us with open arms. We are looking forward to many years at Adath Israel.

Richard Kamins

As a life-long member of Adath Israel, I have been blessed by being part of a caring and accepting community. I believe that we must continue that atmosphere and tradition now and for generations to come.

I and my family became members of Adath Israel, as Temple B’nai Abraham (multi-generation member) merged with Adath Israel. I have enjoyed the diverse welcoming congregation and look forward to contributing to the many years of excellence I/we find here.

Melissa Olczak

My family and I joined Adath Israel 5 years ago when we were looking to join a synagogue as my boys were reaching Hebrew school age. Adath Israel was inviting and welcoming to my family, which is something that is important to me. In the past 5 years my family has been welcomed and feels like we are part of the Adath Israel community.

Beth Shapiro

Adath Israel has always felt like home to me. Our family has been part of this synagogue since its inception. I enjoy watching my own children learn about their Jewish heritage here just as I had done.

Jay Weiss


Service Times

  • Minyan
    • Daily morning minyan (Mon.-Fri.) 8:00 a.m.
    • Sunday 9:00 a.m.
  • Early Risers Minyan (1st Wednesday of the month) 7:00 a.m.
  • Friday Evening Service 7:00 p.m.
  • Pray-Eat-Sing (once a month) 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday Morning Service 9:30 a.m.