by Rabbi | Feb 27, 2021 | Rabbi's Blog
Exodus 28:31-35 to 29:18 Etz Chayim 508 Haftarah Y’hezkel 43:10-27 520 Tetzaveh continues the instructions given regarding the Tabernacle, with a special focus on the clothes worn by the High Priest. Both the structure of...
by Rabbi | Feb 20, 2021 | Rabbi's Blog
Shabbat Zachor ~ maftir: Deuteronomy (Ki Tetzei) Maftir 25:17-19 Haftarah I Sh’muel 15:2-34 ===== Today is a special Shabbat, which is Shabbat Zachor. Shabbat Zachor is when we read two specific readings connected to Purim. They are the maftir and the haftarah. I want...
by Rabbi | Feb 5, 2021 | Rabbi's Blog, Uncategorized
One of the few parshiot in which the triennial and the annual readings are the same. The reason is that the 10 commandments or aseret hadibrot, figure in them – we would not imagine having a year in which you don’t read about the revelation at Sinai. === Well, and...
by Rabbi | Jan 24, 2021 | Rabbi's Blog, Uncategorized
The portion begins with the plagues of locusts and darkness, and its bulk is the death of the firstborn and the going out of Egypt. Bo is the parsha of the Exodus, in the sense that it is here when we read the last night of the Jews in Egypt. It is in Bo that three of...
by Rabbi | Jan 13, 2021 | Rabbi's Blog
Dear friends, As more and more information becomes available about the storming of the Capitol on Wednesday, not just about the violence, the victims and participants but also about the details of those harrowing hours, I would like to share a few thoughts. The first...