Rabbi | Adath Israel

Your stuff or your soul? ~ Lech Lecha 5781

Summary (read the portion by clicking here): Lech Lecha is the portion where the first couple is introduced. At the beginning they are still called Sarai and Avram, and at the end of the portion they have their names changed to Sarah and Avraham. The text refuses to...

Rabbi Yosi and the student from Great Snoring

Rabbi Yosi and the student from Great Snoring (based on Bereshit Rabbah 34:15, read the original by clicking here) Rabbi Yosi was an excellent teacher. There was no child he could not inspire. No child he could not make love the Torah. No child he could not make see...

Noach, the raven and the dove

As I read the Torah text, I’d ask you to pay attention to verses 8:5 to 8:15 [click here], which bring the birds that Noach sends out, just before coming out of the ark. What do you make of which birds are sent, and how the text describes them? If they are symbols,...

Stories about prayer

The portion of this week, Noach, carries a hint about prayer: “make an ark for yourself” (Genesis 6:14) – which is understood as make a word for yourself. In Hebrew, TEIVAH is both “word” and “ark”. How we construct our words...

Embracing Judaism ~ a course for Jews and non-Jews

Always been curious about Judaism? Never paid attention in Hebrew school? Thinking about (or is someone you love thinking about) officially joining the Tribe? The Embracing Judaism program is geared towards both Jews and non-Jews who want to learn more. Bring your...