Rabbi’s Blog | Adath Israel

Bo – come to pharaoh

  Summary: Bo means “come”, as in “come to Pharaoh”, even though the translation will say ‘go to Pharaoh’. And this is God commanding Moshe to talk to Pharaoh after the announcement that God has, indeed, hardened Pharaoh’s heart. We read the last three plagues:...

Vayechi – Living while dead, dead while living

Summary: “Vayechi,” means “And he lived” – just as we had with Chayey Sarah, which means the life of Sarah but actually talks about her death, here too we will begin with Vayechi Yaakov – Yaakov lived, but we are actually seeing Yaakov’s last...

Vayetze – a soul’s journey

Our parsha opens with Yaakov going towards his destiny, so unsure that, after the dream-revelation of the ladder, he makes a pact with God – with words that will raise eyebrows throughout the centuries. “If God is with me… and watches me as I go… and gives me food and...