by Rabbi | Jan 5, 2024 | Rabbi's Blog
Shemot Summary: The name of our portion is Shemot, which means “names”, and it is the beginning of the book of Shemot, or Exodus, in English. In terms of the arch of the story, we begin around 400 years after Yosef is arrives in Egypt, not only with the enslavement of...
by Rabbi | Aug 27, 2023 | Rabbi's Blog
The month of Elul is here. And for the haftarah of Rosh Chodesh, we read Isaiah 66:1 – Thus said Ad-nai: The heaven is My throne And the earth is My footstool: Where could you build a house for Me, What place could serve as My abode? Because, of course we know,...
by Rabbi | Feb 23, 2023 | Rabbi's Blog
Download the Powerpoint by clicking here: The Prophecies of Amos As a way of introducing Amos to the kids of Hebrew School, I made this Powerpoint. It was used to accompany an “interview”. The interview was an activity that involved the kids a bit, with...
by Rabbi | Dec 23, 2022 | Rabbi's Blog
Summary of the Torah portion Miketz – we read about the rise of Yosef and the economic re-structuring of Egypt, transforming the Egyptian people in serfs to Pharaoh. The portion ends in the middle of the confrontation between Yosef and his brothers, when the brothers...