by Rabbi | Oct 5, 2020 | Rabbi's Blog
This is a story about a Rebbe who became famous, but he didn’t really want the fame. He was fine being a complete unknown disciple of the Baal Shem Tov. His name was Reb Pinchas of Koretz. All that Reb Pinchas ever wanted to do was to study, pray and meditate – alone....
by Rabbi | Oct 2, 2020 | Rabbi's Blog
This is a poem of all the laws of Sukkot, Dr. Seuss style! If you have any doubts, check the footnotes. Click here to download a pdf: rules-of-the-sukkah-printable 1. Maimonides (RaMBaM) Mishne Torah, Hilchot Sukkah, Chapter 4, Section 1. The minimum height of a...
by Rabbi | Sep 29, 2020 | Rabbi's Blog
Main idea: teshuvah is a dual process, looking inward and outward; getting rid of the things we detest Franz Kafka has a two-sentence short story. It goes like this: “One day, a leopard stalked into the synagogue, roaring and lashing its tail. Three weeks later, it...
by Rabbi | Sep 29, 2020 | Rabbi's Blog
Main idea: the greatest thing in the world is to do someone else a little favor / the power of words Welcome everyone to our Kol Nidrei Services. I want to thank everyone who has been instrumental on giving us this possibility. Even though we are socially distanced...
by Rabbi | Sep 24, 2020 | Rabbi's Blog
Elul 17: The Letter by Ed Feinstein Sit down. Turn all the screens off. Turn your phone off. Write the...